Monday, March 17, 2014

The Power of Quiet Voices- The Introverts Battle Cry

So about a year ago my grandpa died. And when anyone passes away there is a lot of talk and reminiscing about who they were. Its just how we do these things. My grandpa was an affluential architect so the first topic of remission was his amazing creativity in every aspect of his life. From the of course the buildings he designed to the go cart he and I then later other cousin built. 

The second comment about Grandpa was inevitably his profound silence. He was not a guy to jump in the limelight, he kept a lot of thoughts and feelings to himself, he did not volunteer a lot of life lessons like a TV grandpa did. He as a true introvert. And I loved him for it. 

In todays society there has been transition that introversion is a negative character trait. Its a social bias, we all have it introverts and extroverts alike Hastings, R. (2012).. After all extroverts are the go getters, the action people, the ones who are seen to make things happen. 

This bias has now turned into the popular team work and collaboration theories. Turning offices and classrooms into team driven organisms. Which at its foundation is an amazing platform for creativity and new ideas. However this type of environment does not respond well to everyone. And you know what, we should be ok with that (Cain, 2012).

This months Ted video is dedicated to my Grandpa and the other third to half of the population (Cain, 2012) that responds to social stimulus introvertedly. As Cain (2012) explained introversion is very different from shyness, which is a fear of social judgment. introversion is a reaction to social stimulation and is a personality trait. 

I absolutely love Cain's Three Calls to Action. They apply to all -verts alike.

1. Stop the maddens for constant group work
     There is a need more autonomy at work. There is still a huge need for working together and collaboration but teach employees that there is power in solitude.

2. Go to the wilderness, have personal revelations. Unplug (from everything) and get into our own heads

3. Whats in your suitcases. And are you sharing with the world what makes YOU you?

I also love that introverts are speaking out (as difficult as it is ) for other introverts. Giving others permission to be ok with staying silent, for craving quiet places, and dissolving the guilt of not being the one taking the helm and leading the battle cry.

The point is introverts are awesome and so vital to the way society and cultures are driven. Without the introvert there would be no Darwin, Steve Wozniak, Dr Seuss, or guys like my Grandpa. And even though he (or these other guys) didn't speak up all the time, when he did speak it was profound, its was moving, and often totally hilarious.

Hastings, R. (2012). Introverts: The Latest Diversity Frontier . Retrieved from  
Cain, S. (2012, March 2). Ted Talks [Video file]. Retrieved from TED website:

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