Sunday, March 9, 2014

Book Recommendation

This months recommended book is The Arbinger Group Anatomy of Peace.  I have been an Arbinger fan for going on ten years. Their first book, Self Deception, had a huge influence on my choice of education and career path.

The Anatomy of Peace is a prequel of sorts to Self Deception and follows the very entertaining narrative style self help style writing. With the lessons and principles woven into many intertwining story lines. Very helpful for people like me who need help with big words.

The book focuses on the many different types of conflict in the world, from a play ground scuffle to a full out international war. Then they make the claim that each of these types of conflict ( and everything in between) can be solved and prevented with the same method. 

The examples and stories in the book are amazing and hit one any emotional and political levels. The solutions to avoiding conflict are so practical and doable. Very different from so many books like this. When reading there were seven times when I had to pause and realize that e book was speaking to me. So cool. Since reading it the first the first time I have come back several more times to refocus my mindset and come closer to a lasting peace. 

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