Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hack Your Life

How many times have you received an email from a coworker or friend letting everyone know in their address book that the email they just sent out about (insert body part) enlargement was not from them but they were hacked? Well I don't know about you but I get more emails like that from my friend than emails just to say hi.

So hacking is a regular part of our life. Emails, phones, credit cards, governments, and Facebook. All subject to hacking. By and large the term "hacking" has a negative 90s connotation to it. However as with most words as time progresses the definition changes and evolves.

This weeks Ted video addresses the term hack and what it can mean to our sense of education, creatively, and ultimately the way we view happiness. It comes from hacking our life, finding a new way of approaching the same situation.

Now with most Ted Talks that I post I don't want to drown them out with my own analysis and take aways. But I hope that we can address our problems, projects, and roles in life whether family or work life as a mindset and not a method.

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