Thursday, January 2, 2014

Staying Topical (and hopefully relevant) - Goal Setting

I was once a little boy and as most little boys I wanted everyone to call me Snake. Ok well as 99% of little boys I wanted to be an astronaut. "What a great goal" my ma would say. "You can be anything you want" As I got older and more wise to the depressing world around me I gave up on asking people to call Snake and the whole going to space thing. What it was still goal, a goal that would stay a dream. Ahhh now everyone feel really bad for me.

This time of year always makes me thing about going to space, or at the very least the goals and dreams that I have had in the past and those goals whose homes are still rooted there. Goal setting isn't the hard part, just ask any 8yr old trying to change his name to something more bad ass, like Snake for example. The hard part is everything in the middle. So here are a few steps and ideas to make the dream become real.

1. Specific
Instead of just writing the goal  in one sentence write a paragraph or two about the goal. Write the motivation behind the goal along with who is involved and what will it take to get to the goal.
2. Measurable
Set in place methods in which you can measure progress. For instance if you have the goal of losing a few Christmas lbs your measurability can be seen on the scale or witin your pants size.
3. Attainable
This is where Gru might have overshot a bit. A lot of time we set goals that might be out of our reach. Goals should be totally attainable or they will be dead in the water.
4. Time Sensitive
Goals need to have a start and end date. The end date being the most vital. Setting a realist timeframe is going to be the life or death of the goal.

Now go out and make change the world!

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