Monday, November 4, 2013

Annnnd we'er off

Welcome to Every Day IO Psychology.  I am dedicating this blog to the pursuit and further understanding of how we (as human type people) work, behavior, and are happy in the workplace.

It is my goal to decode the science of work place behavior. And hopeful have a wee bit of fun along the way.

Industrial Organizational psychology is the a very broad pursuit. It includes but is definitely not limited to personality tests, ergonomics (how soft is your work chair),  interviewing and recruiting, the science behind office birthday parties, and work place happiness.

This blog is hereby dedicated to the exploration of everyday uses of industrial organizational psychology. I will be posting a huge range of subjects that deal with at their core, being more happy in the work place. After all the average person will spend 11 hours away form home at work or traveling to work usually thats more time away from home than in it. Happiness at work is vital to productivity, healthy home relationships, and increases your odds to winning many State lotteries.

So come back often for essays, movie clips, and quick thoughts about how you and your employees can be more happy and productive at work

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